"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Park Run and Drainage fun!

It’s been an eventful couple of weeks for me – but not always for the right reasons!

I completed my first ever park run earlier in the month – Princes Park Run. The coach from running club encourages as many club members to complete the local park run on the first Saturday of the month, so off I trotted to take part!

The course is a tough one with a couple of energy sapping inclines that you have to tackle three times – essentially two and a half loops around the park. I was hoping for a sub 19 minute 5km given my sub 40 minute 10kms. I thought a PB (18:39) was a little out of my reach at the time.

I went off quickly – as often seems to be the case these days, fortunately I’m experienced enough to not go off too hard and rein myself in a bit. I wasn’t looking to finish in a certain position, but having fast runners around you always helps push you a little more. I felt pretty comfortable throughout the run, and had my usual (and frustrating) third km dip in pace, otherwise I paced myself pretty well.

The inclines weren’t a problem for me –although I do have a tendency of picking up the pace whenever there are any increases in the gradient. This was the case for the park run, and it did aid in getting me closer to the runners in front of me.

I must have passed about 5 people on the way round, and when I came in with a time of 18:57, with a position of 8th (out of ~120) I was very happy – things were going in the right direction.

Unfortunately, in the warm up, and as soon as the run had stopped, as had been the case for a couple of weeks, I had a pretty bad pain on the inside of my left shin/ankle. Walking on it was pretty difficult. Due to this didn’t complete my LSR that Sunday and rested for a few days. Whist it got slightly better the pain is still there. So, tomorrow I’ll be heading to the physio, I’m guessing it’s posterior shin splints, but I’ll see what they say. I’m really hoping it’s nothing too bad as I have really been coming on and the latest track session with the club I was holding my own with the front runners.

Away from the running I have been just as delighted as I’m sure you have been (!) with all the weather we’ve had recently.

I had my front garden paved earlier in the year so I could park my car on it. Unfortunately this has caused any rain to rush into the drain in the drive, and with the sheer amount of rain that has fallen lately, it flooded. Inevitable or what?! Nothing is ever easy when it comes to houses!!

Initially I thought the drain must just be blocked, so I got a drain ‘expert’ out to rod them and pressure spray them… All it did was cause the mud, guck, and other fowl smelling contents of the drain to spew out onto my drive – it looked like a mud bath; uncool!

Turns out I need the drain excavating, and a new one put in, which will connect it to the drain at the rear of my house. Isn’t that just A-MAZ-ZING?! Fortunately only a small section of the drive will need digging up, but my alley way will need to be ploughed up and a drain laid (no jokes please!) to sort this little… Predicament(?) out; yippee!

So next week I shall be shelling out on getting that done. Mayeb the next time I blog I’ll have a nice shiny bit of piping in my alley way and a front drive which doesn’t flood!

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