Training has been going really well – managed another 10
mile run for my long slow run on Sunday and hope to increase the distance of
that over the next couple of months.
Last night however, I trained with Liverpool Running Club. I
have for a long time been umm’ing and arr’ing about joining a running club, as
everyone who I’ve spoken to about them loves it, and tells me how they have
improved as a runner. My worry has always been that whilst I always push myself
in running to become faster, stronger, better (there’s a song in there
somewhere I’m sure!!) it would become too much of a chore if I joined a club.
I pretty much told myself during injury that if I got back
to fitness that I would join a running club – I just needed to give myself a
push to go through with it.
I’m so glad I did because it was brilliant fun – being so
used to pounding the streets on my own to run with others of similar ability
and to do a structured run was fantastic. Although I think my competitiveness may
have come out – I only ever run with other people in a race, so I found myself
edging towards the front of the group all the time. I’m sure this will change
over time.
You may be wondering what did we do in a running session;
just run, surely?!
The straight forward answer is yes, but we completed a few ‘drills’
on the run to get the heart rate going, and to give me DOMS in my left glute
today, uncool!!! A chain run was the first exercise; all running in a single
file line and the person at the back sprints to the front then slows down to a
There were three exercises that followed; with the first two
splitting the group in half and a one v one session of short sprints taking
Unfortunately we got locked in the park we were running in
and had to climb over a brick wall to get out. Luckily it wasn’t very high and we
all had a laugh about climbing over it.
The atmosphere whilst training was great, and the range of
ages made for fun banter – it had a really good feel to it.
So… I’ll definitely be going back again, and hopefully I’ll
sign for them (if they’ll have me :p )
Due to the bank holiday on Tuesday there is no training, so
I’ll have to wait until Thursday, which will be a track session day… I can feel
my competitiveness coming out even more as I type!!
Happy running!!!
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