Welcome to my blog! I’ve decided to give blogging a go given
a lot of fellow runners do, and I find myself having the time to do so at the
moment. I’m hoping that my enthusiasm to blog continues, and I plan(!) to blog
once a week.
So… Pint Sized Runner; where does this come from? Well, I
currently follow Charlie Purdue on twitter, who is a British long-distance
runner. She has nicknamed herself ‘Pocket Rocket’ which I think is quite clever
given her speed and small stature.
As I’m also quite short (5’7”) I decided a quirky nickname would
make me endearing to the reader ! I came up with ‘Pint Sized Torpedo’. Pint
Sized for my size, and Torpedo for my relative
speediness. I don’t ever presume to be exceptionally fast, so went with ‘Pint
Size Runner’ for the title of this blog.
My goal is to run a sub 3 hour marathon before I’m 30; I’m *cough*
27 *cough* at the moment, so I have just under 3 years to get there having run
my first marathon last year in a time of 3 hours 56 minutes. However, this marathon was run with runner’s knee, and I consequently knackered myself for 6
months. In which time I had physio, ultrasound, and MRI scans to try and ‘fix’ me! I’m
now back running and trying to get back up to speed with my fitness.
I’ll no doubt go over this marathon experience in one of my
later blogs. In the meantime, thanks for reading!
Good luck with the sub 3 - tiz a hell of a journey, not got there myself yet ;)