"The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly; who errs and comes short again and again; because there is not effort without error and shortcomings; but who does actually strive to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement and who at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly. So that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat." -Theodore Roosevelt

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Splitting in two...

... Not literally, but actually, yes, nearly literally.

I saw the picture below a while ago:

I thought "I'll have to do that at some point" but, as with anything, it's difficult to split the time so you can focus on doing it twice a day. (See what i did there? -Ok i'll get my coat!)

I've decided I'll try and do this. In two weeks I'll obviously be super flexible and have the ability to do the splits at the drop of a hat.

I've just done the first set. Guaranteed I'll be walking like I've got a bottle shoved... Yeah you get the picture don't you?!

Feel free to join in and let me know how you get on :)

P.S. Foot still not better, but getting there I think. Seeing GP on Tuesday; going to ask to be referred to a Physio.

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Foot fetishes

Just to confirm I do not have a foot fetish -it appears however, that some people do...

Following my slightly moany (ok, very moany) post about my foot injury, everyone's favourite Lucy, IronLucy gave me some advice; "Youtube ballet foot strengthening and exercises" ... "Ballerinas have rock-hard kick-ass feet, toes of steel, man."

So YouTube I did...

If the agonising looking shapes these ballerinas contorted their feet into didn't sit well with me and made me a little queasy, some of the comments along side these videos made me throw up a bit in my mouth...

..People have foot fetishes and aren't afraid to shout about it! Below are a select few comments alongside the videos. (I've obviously taken out the user names, and I've not put in some of the more explicit ones)

Proof is in the 'pudding' (ice cream, pudding, no?)

As well as these exercises I've seen on YouTube, I've also set a reminder on my calendar in work every hour to tell me to go and stretch...

I can spell 'Stretch', I promise!
So every day this week whilst in work, every hour, I've taken 2-3 mins away from my desk to walk up and down 3 flights of stairs, and to stretch out my lower extremities. It feels like it's helping - I just hope that it is...

Do any of you have any weird fetishes unusual likes/guilty pleasures? -Actually, don't tell me, I'm not sure I want to know :p

Thursday, 4 July 2013

When your nerves physically stop you...

I went to see a physio today about my foot injury... Whilst talking through the injury and how it has developed, it made me realise I've had the problem for over 10 weeks.

10 weeks man!

That's a long time...

Turns out it's a nerve issue; something* is causing / putting pressure on the nerve in the top of my foot, giving me the numb style pain I'm getting.

At a bit of a loss as to what to do, she ultra sound-ed the foot, then went even more high tech and used interferential therapy - it's basically a small scale slendertone system (you know, the electrical pulse belt that gives you rock hard abs?!) and can be applied to any area of the body (careful !).

Then ensued the thumbs, which didn't hurt too much compared to my previous dealings with elbows and IT bands...

So, I'm not to run whilst I still have this issue, and I'm to do foot stretching and strengthening exercises.

I'm pretty gutted - I was feeling positive going to the physio thinking lets get an action plan for getting back to running, but right now, I don't ever see a time when I'll be able to run pain free, or not be in pain because I've run.

So for now, running will need to take a back seat, maybe I'll just get a load of cats and be a crazy cat guy.

"Down, Down, but definitely not out" - You Me At Six

Disclaimer: There is nothing wrong with cats, or people who have them.

*but the physio doesn't know what, how it would be best treated, or had treated a condition like this before, yaaayyy!